How to Update Selected Records from Related List in Salesforce?

Salesforce cloud-based customer relationship management platform is extensively used by enterprises for sales automation, customer service, marketing, commerce, and much more. It was recently named as a #1 CRM provider by International Data Corporation (IDC). Over the years, Salesforce has gained immense popularity among B2B customers and IT practitioners due to its flexibility, speed and ease of maintenance. However, Salesforce implementation and integration can be a

How to Build Custom Widgets Using Bonita BPM UI Designer

Most BPM platforms provide task-oriented user interface design tools that are optimized for simple process-based applications. However, as the application and process complexity increases, UI design tools struggle to meet the changing business and customer priorities. Realizing this need, Bonita – the fastest growing open-source BPM provider has developed a flexible UI design platform known as ‘Bonita UI Designer’. By using the advanced features of

How to Integrate Spring Batch in Grails Framework

Processing large data sets is often a complex activity that software developers have to deal with. Developers require advanced tools and technologies to process large chunks of data sets. Although, there are quite a few tools available to process large data sets, Spring Batch stands out from the competition. Spring Batch is a lightweight and robust framework that can be easily integrated with the

Disrupt Enterprise Workflows with Mobile App Bots

If you envisage your mobile application as your office, then it’s time you start considering app bots as your office assistants. Think of a layer above the complex workflows that disrupts all hierarchical flows and gives you what is important to you —introducing you to the mobile app bot. A mobile app bot can interface with you via voice, chat, gesture or simply by observing your

Considering Enterprise Mobile App Development? Read These 4 Tips

We are witnessing rapid advancements and proliferation of new technologies in the field of mobility. Businesses are realizing that harnessing these technologies to address their business problems is paramount to their success. Further, CIOs and CTOs are keen to exploit such emerging mobile technologies to transform their business workflows—this paradigm shift is propelling a significant increase in adoption for enterprise mobile apps. A U.S.-based

Creating and Deploying SharePoint Provider-hosted MVC App in Office 365 and Azure

SharePoint Apps (also referred to as add-ins) extend SharePoint’s capability to solve specific business problems. There are three types of apps: a) SharePoint-hosted b) Provider-hosted c) Autohosted This blog post will walk through the process of creating and deploying a provider-hosted MVC app, which displays a welcome message to the logged-in user. Further, it will provide code snippets that allow this app to address

5 Ways Cloud-Based Business Process Management Benefits Your Enterprise

If you haven’t considered the cloud as a resource for managing your business processes, here are 5 excellent reasons you should. Few technological developments in recent years have proven as transformative to modern business as has cloud computing. It has driven greater specialization and collaboration, both within and between organizations. It has facilitated easier data sharing and faster commercial transactions. It has empowered a

3 Process Types A BPM Consulting Services Firm Suggests Moving To The Cloud

These 3 categories of business processes make excellent candidates as first moves in your enterprise’s migration to the cloud. Cloud computing today is about so much more than backing up data. As important as storing and securing your enterprise’s information off-premises remains, more and more businesses are moving not only their data but also their processes to the cloud. You’ve likely already decided your

How BPM Services Let You See Your Business “In 3-D”

What do Hollywood’s 3-D blockbusters have in common with the fastest growing way to manage your business processes? Why are 3-D movies so popular? Govindini Murty of Libertas Film Magazine suggests one reason: “the trend in all our technology is toward recreating reality with greater detail in three dimensions.” The connection between 3-D movies and your business may not be readily apparent (unless you’re

Sentiment Analysis Using R Language

Sentiment analysis (also known as opinion mining) refers to the use of natural language processing (NLP), text analysis and computational linguistics to identify and extract subjective information from the source materials. Generally speaking, sentiment analysis aims to determine the attitude of a writer or a speaker with respect to a specific topic or the overall contextual polarity of a document. Globally, business enterprises can