How AI Can Bolster Software Testing and Boost Customer Engagement

A study highlights that 62% of users will abandon an app due to bugs. Another survey posits that 53% of users will remove or uninstall an app riddled with errors, crashes, and freezes. These data give a clear picture: software testing directly affects customer experience (CX). In the current competitive market, companies are constantly pressured to continually deploy software applications based on market demand.

Passing The Test – QA Software Testing Methods for Assured Development Success

QA software takes advantage of certain testing processes for an accurate workflow. See how this can benefit both end users and system admins Ensuring that business processes are functioning to their full capacity is an integral step in quality assurance, and QA software can pinpoint any interfering errors within a CMS. One of the most effective ways to locate these issues is through QA

The Life Lesson That QA Testing Services Help Successful Companies Avoid

There’s a life lesson that companies who want to succeed in today’s application economy must never learn from their customers. We’ve probably all heard these comforting, encouraging words: “Don’t worry; everyone makes mistakes.” Parents say them to their kids. Teachers say them to their students. You know who never says those words? Consumers in the application economy. Think about the last time an app

Software Testing Trends and Predictions 2016

2015 saw an unprecedented shift and rapid adoption of digital transformation projects across all industry verticals. This year, Evoke is continuing the practice of publishing a summary of software testing trends and predictions, based on the World Quality Report 2015-16, an elaborate research study conducted by Capgemini in association with Sogeti and HP amongst 1,560 IT leaders. As predicted in the year 2015, the

How to Configure SonarQube for C# .NET Project

SonarQube is one of the most popular open source static code analysis tools available in the market. It helps software professionals to measure the code quality and identify non-compliant code. The SonarQube community is very active and provides continuous upgrades, new plug-ins and customizations. It is a good practice to frequently run SonarQube on the source code to fix the code quality violations and

Code Review Checklist – To Perform Effective Code Reviews

In my previous blog post, we discussed about “10 Simple Code Review Tips for Effective Code Reviews”. Now, let’s take this topic further and explore the code review checklist, which would help to perform effective code reviews to deliver best quality software.  This code review checklist also helps the code reviewers and software developers (during self code review) to gain expertise in the code

Windows Application Automation Testing Using Coded UI

In my previous blog, I put forth a strong case for adopting Coded UI Test (CUIT) for automation testing. As a result, I have been receiving a lot of comments asking how to automate ‘Windows Applications’ using Coded UI Test. With this in mind and to also provide readers an insight on Windows Application Automation Testing, I have written this blog. Using Coded UI Test, software testers can

10 Simple Code Review Tips for Effective Code Reviews

Software code review is a process to ensure that the code meets the functional requirements and also helps the developers to adhere to the best coding practices. Additionally, code review process helps in improving the software quality.  Based on my experience, would like to share 10 simple code review tips, which would help code reviewers and software developers during their code reviews. 1. Highlight issues in the code Never

Software Testing Trends and Predictions – 2015

The year 2014 witnessed cross border mergers, acquisitions and rapid adoption of social media platforms. It also witnessed creation of large chunks of data and rapid advancements in mobile and cloud technologies. Another major advancement was Internet of Things (IoT), which is slowly changing the way how organizations interact with their customers, employees and partners. In the current digital information age, individuals are demanding improved

QA and Software Testing Trends 2014 – Roundup

The year 2014 is almost at the verge of ending, Business units across the organizations are busy chalking out blueprints based on budgets allocated to them for the year 2015. As the year comes to an end, the software industry is keen to find out about the key areas that dominated in 2014, especially pertaining to quality assurance and software testing. Let’s go through