Cookies Policy

1. Purpose
This cookies policy outlines how we collect and use information when you use our website. As a data controller, we are legally obligated to provide you with information about us, our data practices, and your rights over your data.

2. Applicability
This policy applies to all users of our website.

3. Acronyms

Acronym Details/Full form
Admin Administration
Company / Organization Evoke Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
CRM Customer Relationship Management.

4. Cookies Policy
Cookies are small text files used by websites to remember visitor information. These files are stored locally on a computer and can only be accessed by the website that created them. Cookie settings can be changed in a browser to allow or block cookies based on user preferences.

Our company’s cookies policy aims to enhance user experience by obtaining consent for the use of cookies on our website (

Our website uses different types of cookies based on how users interact with the site.

4.1. Types of cookies that are used

  • Persistent Cookies: These cookies recognize you as an existing user, allowing you to use our services without signing in again. They remain in your browser and are read by Evoke Technologies when you return to our website.
  • Session Cookies: Session cookies store technical information for the duration of your current web session, typically during your visit to our website or browser session.
  • Analytics Cookies: These cookies track user information to analyze platform usage. They can be first-party or third-party cookies, providing a personalized online experience.

4.1.1. Opting Out of Cookies
Most internet browsers allow you to erase cookies, block all cookies, or receive warnings before storing cookies. Please refer to your browser’s instructions or help screen for more information. However, rejecting cookies may restrict the functionality of our offerings.

4.2. Other tracking technologies
Evoke Technologies uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc. (“Google”). Google Analytics uses analytical cookies to generate information about your website usage, including your IP address. Google will use anonymous data and related information stored during your website usage solely for evaluating your platform usage, compiling reports, and providing related services. You may refuse the use of the Google Analytics cookies by selecting the appropriate settings on your web browser as mentioned earlier. However, please note that opting out of the use of cookies may limit the full functionality of our website.

In addition to our own cookies, third parties may also place cookies on your computer with your consent. The cookies and their purposes are listed below:

Cookie Name Purpose Further Information
Browser support, blocking and deletion To maintain an uninterrupted session To receive the full user experience
Availability To maintain an uninterrupted session To receive the full user experience
Setting and reading the cookies To maintain an uninterrupted session To receive the full user experience

For more information about our use of cookies, please refer to our website’s cookie policy.

4.3. Enquiry submission via our website
When you submit an enquiry via our website, we collect your name, contact number, and email address.

Your enquiry is forwarded to the web admin, who will handle it and assign it to the relevant technical or sales personnel.

We do not use the information you provide to make any automated decisions that might affect you.

We keep enquiry emails for 2 years, after which they are securely archived for 7 years before deletion. CRM records are kept for 3 years after the last contact with you.

4.4. Your rights as a data subject
By law, you can request information about the data we hold about you and request corrections if it is inaccurate. If we have asked for your consent to process your personal data, you may withdraw that consent at any time.

If we are processing your personal data for reasons of consent or to fulfil a contract, you can ask for a machine-readable copy of your information to transfer to another provider.

If we are processing your personal data for reasons of consent or legitimate interest, you can request that your data be erased.

You have the right to ask us to stop using your information for a period if you believe we are not doing so lawfully.

Finally, in some circumstances, you can ask us not to make decisions affecting you using automated processing or profiling.

To submit a request regarding your personal data by email, post or telephone, please use the contact information provided on our website (